Inside Job
25 May, 2016
In the tradition of great fly-on-the-wall documentaries, Page One: Inside The New York Times gains unprecedented access to The New York Times newsroom and the inner workings of the Media Desk. With the Internet surpassing print as the main news source and newspapers all over the country going bankrupt, Page One chronicles the transformation of the media industry at its time of greatest turmoil. It gives us an up-close look at the vibrant cross-cubicle debates and collaborations, tenacious jockeying for on-the-record quotes, and skilful page-one pitching that produce the ‘daily miracle’ of a great news organisation. What emerges is a nuanced portrait of journalists continuing to produce extraordinary work under increasingly difficult circumstances.
Das Filmcafé
Schliemannstraße 15
10437, Prenzlauer Berg
Berlin, Germany
Tickets are no longer available online. Any remaining tickets will be available at the door.
25 May, 2016
22 March, 2016
25 February, 2016
28 January, 2016
26 November, 2015
28 August, 2015
30 July, 2016
25 June, 2015
22 May, 2015
29 April, 2015
31 March, 2015
26 February, 2015
29 January, 2015
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